Skydiver Tips: Renting A Rig Vs. Buying

Renting a rig vs. buying

You’re a newly minted skydiver and you can’t wait to float under your own canopy. We get the excitement of buying a new rig (reserve, main, container and AAD) and we’re writing a series of blogs to guide you on your way.

This particular blog is about the benefits of renting gear until you have between 50 to 100 jumps under your belt. We think this is a wise move for a number of reasons.

  • Student rigs are designed for new skydivers. The main is larger, it’s more conservative, and it’s a safer way to learn canopy control and landing under varying conditions.

  • This is the time to invest in jumping, learning, and honing your skills rather than gear. If buying new gear means you can’t afford to jump as often, you need to change your priorities.

  • New skydivers tend to be rougher on gear. Most new skydivers don’t land on their feet, and that could mar your spiffy new container or jump suit.

  • As you grow in the sport, you’ll have a better idea of the type of skydiver you want to be and the equipment that will help you get there. What’s more, you’ll have jumped with coaches and mentors who can give you objective advice about your jumping style and abilities.

Experienced skydiver jumping a new rig

Before you invest in gear, it pays to look before you leap. Evaluate your budget, ask one of our riggers about what you can buy used and what you should buy new, talk to other skydivers about their preferences,  browse gear websites, skydive magazines and catalogs. In other words, do your homework. That way, when you’re ready to make a $4000 to $7000 investment, you’ll know it’s a wise one.

If you have any questions about getting your first rig, feel free to contact one of our riggers, Sara at or Ryan at

This is #1 in a three-part series exploring gear for newly-licensed jumpers. Check out the others for insights on getting a rig and buying new vs used.


Skydive Tips: Getting A Rig


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